

Configuration Article | CA-20200930-TP-18

VDG Sense | Setup | Layouts

A ’Multi Layout’ is a group of layouts with a pre-defined monitor selection. It is used to quickly assign several layouts at once to different monitors.

To create a multi-layout click ’Edit’ in the ’Multi-Layout’ menu of the layout manager, a dialog will appear:

On the left side of the dialog is the list of multi layouts. Multi layouts can be added, removed or edited by using the buttons below the list of ’Multi layouts’. On the right side of the dialog is the list of monitors which belong to the selected multi layout. Monitors can be added or removed using the buttons below the ’Layouts’ list. The monitor numbering corresponds to the monitor numbering in the ’Monitors’ tab and in the top menu bar. To assign a layout to a monitor, select one from the list of layouts next to the monitor icon.

NOTE: a layout only can be assigned once per multi-layout. When finished click ’Close’ to close the dialog.


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