*Monitor Bar

*Monitor Bar

How To Article | HTA-20201130-TP-04

VDG Sense | Operator | Menu

The monitor bar can be found in the top of the screen when in Live mode. The monitor bar displays all monitors added to the VDG Sense. These include local monitors, remote monitors and decoders, as well as the “Video wall”. For more information on how to configure your monitors in VDG Sense, see Monitor configuration.

How to use monitor bar?
The monitor bar can be used to place a layout on either a local monitor, or a decoder or remote monitor. To do this, click on the corresponding monitor number to select it. The selected monitor will highlight in green. Select a layout from the Operator Menu to place that layout on the selected monitor. You can also drag and drop the layout from the list directly on the monitor icon. This will not change the current selected monitor.

Grouped monitor list
If more than four monitors are added to VDG Sense, the monitor icons will be grouped in a list. The monitor in the main navigation bar will always display the number of the current selected monitor. To change the selection, click on the monitor icon to open the list, and click on any monitor. The monitor icon in the main navigation bar will now display the number of the current selected monitor, and all layouts will be placed on that monitor.

When the monitors are grouped, it is still possible to drag and drop layouts on remote monitors and decoders. Drag the layout over the monitor icon in the main navigation bar, to open the list and drop the layout on any icon in the list. If there are more than 10 monitors grouped, a scrollbar will be added which will automatically scroll during a drag-and-drop action.

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