*Dual Login

How To Article | HTA-20201130-TP-03

VDG Sense | Operator | Login

The four-eyes principle means that a certain activity, i.e. a decision, transaction, etc., must be approved by at least two people. This controlling mechanism is used to facilitate delegation of authority and increase transparency.

Since version 2.4.20, VDG Sense provides to ability to turn on ‘Dual Login’. This feature requires two users to authentication in order to login to the native client. This function can be enabled in the ‘System’ tab. The functionality of ‘Auto Login’ and ‘Default Credentials’ is not available when ‘Dual Login’ is enabled.

Dual Login…

  • is a client side feature, and has to be set per client.

  • is only available in the native client.

  • is not available in the web client, mobile clients or the API.

Login flow (if Dual Login is enabled)

  • A non-admin user logs in.

  • The server authenticates the first user.

  • The client shows the second login dialog.

  • Another user has to login within 30 seconds.

  • The permissions of the first user will be used after a successful login of the second user.


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