*Sense Search – VCA Search (Video Miner)

*Sense Search – VCA Search (Video Miner)

How To Article | HTA-20201001-TP-06

VDG Sense | Operator | Tools

The fixed layout “Sense Search”  handles searching through the meta-data. Search request always contain a date-time range, and for some request a specific device. When searching the progress of the search is shown. During searching you cannot place another request, but still can do other things like switching to a different (multi-)layout.

Begin by defining a device and the date-time range, if the start-date is greater than the end-date, the system is smart enough to switch both dates using the end-date as the start-date and vice versa. The search result is stored in memory per tab and can be cleared per tab. By switching the tab the last search result is shown for that tab. The Diva Search layout contains 6 tabs

Search results can be exported to a CSV file by clicking the ‘Export results’-button below the results table.

VCA / Video miner

If the server has any devices with VCA enabled, the user can search for generated events with any of the created rule sets. Select a date-time range and a VCA enabled device. Note that VCA must have been enabled in the select time-range, or no events will be shown during that time.

Select one of the created rulesets to search the meta-data of the device on VCA events. If the user is logged in as administrator, it is also possible to create new rulesets or edit existing ones. Users with no administrator rights can only select existing rulesets.

Searching with rulesets other than the default ruleset will not affect the current active ruleset used in live events, macro signals or API calls.

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