*Edge Requests

How To Article | HTA-20201001-TP-10

VDG Sense | Operator | Tools

The Fixed-Layout “Edge Requests” found in the Tools menu is used by an operator to retrieve data from configured Sense Edge servers. This layout contains a table with all “Edge Requests” that are generated from the Edge Server after a connection lost longer than 10 seconds is detected. This layout does not perform any automatic handling and all actions require manual activation with the exception of Video Retention time which has been configured in the Edge Server configuration tab. When the “Start Day/Time” has been reached, each Edge Request in the table will no longer be available for downloading as the data can no longer be re-indexed correctly into the Cloud server. Other then the retention time, all Edge Requests will require manual removal from the table.

The layout is available for administrators and user with the appropriate Fixed Layout Permissions.

The table contains the following columns:

  • Start Time
    The start Day/Time of the Edge Request, corresponding with the moment the connection lost has been detected

  • End Time
    The end Day/Time of the Edge Request, corresponding when a reconnection has been detected

  • Location
    The location of the assigned device as configured on the Cloud Server

  • Device Name
    The name of the assigned device as configured on the Cloud Server

  • Status
    The Edge Request status. The following status are available:


    • IDLE – The Edge Request is waiting for an action

    • PENDING – The Edge Request is put in a queue and waiting for other requests to finish

    • SYNCING – The Edge Request is downloading or re-indexing video data from the Edge Server

    • COMPLETED – The Edge Request has been completed

    • FAILED – The Edge Request has failed to complete and waiting for an action

    • ABORTED – The Edge Request has been started and then aborted

    • DELETED – The Edge Request will be removed from the table

  • Progress
    The amount of percent the Edge Request is completed when started

  • Action
    These following actions are available:


    • SYNC – Start the process of downloading and re-indexing the missing video data

    • REMOVE – Remove the Edge Request from the table

    • ABORT – Stop the syncing process

Things to keep in mind

  • Each Edge Request will be handled individually, even when multiple Sync Requests are started sequentially. Therefor it is advisable that the most important Edge Requests are handled first.

  • The time required for an Edge Request to completely sync is directly related to the amount of data that is missing and the configured maximum bandwidth speed.

  • If an Edge Request has failed or has been aborted, all downloaded data will be removed from the Cloud Server to avoid corrupted storage. Restarting the Edge Request will require a full redownload of the data.