*NVH-KEY1001 Keyboard

*NVH-KEY1001 Keyboard

Technical Article | TA-20201002-TP-49

PTZ Keyboards

The NVH-KEY1001 keyboard comes with ja two button, three axis Hall effect joystick, 10 tactile pushbuttons and USB  interface and provides basic PTZ control in VDG Sense. USB powered for an easy plug-and-play use with only one cable. 

VDG Sense installation

To activate the keyboard, login into Sense and open the configuration mode. Click the System tab.

In the column PTZ Keyboard settings select the keyboard type “Standard Joystick” or “NVH-KEY1001”. Click the checkbox Active. The Keyboard Status should now read Connected.



Preset selection

Camera to preset 1 = press numerical number ‘1’ on keyboard 


Use joystick to pan, tilt and zoom. Rotate joystick to zoom in and out

Joystick buttons

up to Sense 2.5.7:
The buttons on the joystick are used for “Go Home Preset” and “Turn 180 degrees”

Sense 2.5.8+:
The buttons on the joystick trigger a signal ‘OperatorEvent’ with the value ‘PTZ.Keyboard.Key=F1‘ and ‘PTZ.Keyboard.Key=F2‘. This ‘OperatorEvent’ can be used in a viewerMacro to execute a (number of) actions, for example switch a layout on monitor x…etc etc. 


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