*Adding a user in FlinQ

*Adding a user in FlinQ

Configuration Article | CA-20210107-MK-01

Security Management | FlinQ 3.X |

Adding a user in FlinQ Studio

Adding a user in FlinQ Studio to get acces rights in Frontend or gridclient or one of the other applications.

Log in at FlinQ Studio with a user with Administrator rights.

Then you go to the tab Maintain,

And almost at the bottom you see Users, you can also use ctrl+U to go immediately to users functionality.

You now see the window where you can add the users, you can add a user on two different ways. You can make a new one or you can copy a user that you know has the same rights.

  • With the plus icon you make a new user.

  • With the plus icon you make a new user.

  • With the cross you can remove a user, but first you have to select one.

  • The last one is to copy an existing user that you know has the same rights.

When you make a new user you have to fill in the following fields, Full Name, User Name, Password. You check the selection box behind password. And the you can fill in a password. When you don’t fill in a password, the user will work without a password.

Also you have to make sure the Active selection box is checked.

The last thing you have to do, is to specify what permissions the user can have.

Then you can click the button Save & Close. And the User should now work.

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