*FlinQ Status activate FlinQ license
With the program FlinQ Status you can see the status of all connectors. but also insert and activate your FlinQ license.
Log in to FlinQ Status
Step 1, Connect the FlinQ status client to the FlinQ server. At the top you find “Server” → Connect.
Here you have to enter the IP address of the FlinQ server and the port to connect to.
Bij default it is port 61202.
When you are connected with the FlinQ server, at the bottom of the FlinQ Status will be a green bar visible with the IP adres and Connected state.
Step 2, Log in to the status application to enable functions.
This step can be done by go to “Server” at the top of te application and select “Log in”
Use the FlinQ credentials to login to FlinQ Status. The user needs to have the permission to FlinQ status to login. If you don’t have permissions, a message will be shown.
After a successful login, Right click functions will be enabled.
Insert license key
When you have connection to FLinQ with the status application, you can use the license feature.
At the top of the FlinQ Status, you will find the button “Register” When you click on it, a dropdown box wil appear. In this box, you have one choice, “License”.
After you click on License, a new window wil pop up. Here you can enter a license key, Activate your FlinQ license and deactivate your FlinQ License.
When you are logged in, the textbox for your license key is open to enter the key. When you are not logged in to FlinQ Status, the license key box is grayed out.
Below the activation buttons, the Active Features of your license are shown.
For the online activation, your FlinQ server has to be version 3.52.1 and up, and have an internet connection.
FlinQ versions prior to 3.52.1 can’t use the online activation because of an update of the license server. When the version is prior to 3.52.1. The offline license update is the only option.
The offline registration can be used without internet.
Licenses can be purchased at Order.nl@tkhsecurity.com. Your license status can be shown in the license portal at Support - TKH Security .