*An unexpected error occurred. Closing the application.
FlinQ Crashes or has an unexpected error.
If FlinQ crashes and show the following message: An unexpected error occurred. Closing the application.
Its possible the configuration file has been corrupted while saving some data.
The message can also be displayed on a white screen with red cross:
How to know what the problem is:
Go to the config file what is on your client p.c., this file will be located at:
- C:\ProgramData\TKH Security\FlinQ\Clients\FrontEnd or
- C:\ProgramData\TKH Security\FlinQ\Clients\GridClient.
In previous versions, it is located in the Flexposure map (Till version 3.49)
C:\ProgramData\FlexPosure\FlinQ\Clients\FrontEnd or
The name of the configuration file is:
FrontEnd.exe.config or Gridclient.exe.config
The file is readable by using notepad.
a normal configuration file has several settings and will be something like:
When the file is empty or show only a couple of lines, the file is corrupt.
how to fix this problem:
When this file is corrupt or has no text at all, you have to replace this file with a back-up file from your backup folder.
1. Close the application FrondEnd or Gridclient.
2. Locate the backup config file.
3. Copy the backup file and paste it over your corrupt config file.
4. Launch the application.