*Update procedure of a FlinQ redundant system

Configuration Article | CA-20210915-TV-01

Security Management | FlinQ 3.X |

Phase 1 - Preparation SMS server

A condition for starting phase 1 is that the customer has given approval for starting the software update of the SMS.

 Preparing steps:

  1. Checking status of FlinQ server and SQL server

  • Is FlinQ running primary or secondary

  • Is SQL running primary or secondary

  • Is SQL clustering or always group active for FlinQ server databases

2. Backup FlinQ databases to backup server

3. Copy FlinQ server setup files to both FlinQ servers

Phase 2 - Update SMS server

A condition for starting phase 2 is that phase 1 has been successfully completed.

  1. Deactivate FlinQ clustering

  2. Stop FlinQ process

  3. Update FlinQ Server secondary

  4. Start FlinQ server secondary

  5. When step 4 is successful: update primary server

  6. Restore cluster

  7. Failover to Primary Server


Phase 3 - Update SMS clients and check functionality

A condition for starting phase 4 is that phase 3 has been successfully completed.

  1. Update 1 FlinQ Client

  2. Check basic functionalities SMS (when used in project)

  • Navigation

  • DoQ-Window

  • Event window

  • Turn on/off filters

3. Check functionality with sub-systems (if available)


  • Activate video in DoQ-window

  • Control of PTZ cameras

  • Connection with videowall (switch on camera / change layout)

Access control

  • Test commands (open once, open continuously, block)

  • Receiving events (forced, open too long, etc.)


  • Enable PIR

  • Receive alarm


  • Start/stop incoming call via SMS


Phase 4 - Update other SMS clients

A condition for starting phase 4 is that phase 3 has been successfully completed.

  1. Update other FlinQ SMS client(s)

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