*Update procedure of a FlinQ redundant system
Phase 1 - Preparation SMS server
A condition for starting phase 1 is that the customer has given approval for starting the software update of the SMS.
Preparing steps:
Checking status of FlinQ server and SQL server
Is FlinQ running primary or secondary
Is SQL running primary or secondary
Is SQL clustering or always group active for FlinQ server databases
2. Backup FlinQ databases to backup server
3. Copy FlinQ server setup files to both FlinQ servers
Phase 2 - Update SMS server
A condition for starting phase 2 is that phase 1 has been successfully completed.
Deactivate FlinQ clustering
Stop FlinQ process
Update FlinQ Server secondary
Start FlinQ server secondary
When step 4 is successful: update primary server
Restore cluster
Failover to Primary Server
Phase 3 - Update SMS clients and check functionality
A condition for starting phase 4 is that phase 3 has been successfully completed.
Update 1 FlinQ Client
Check basic functionalities SMS (when used in project)
Event window
Turn on/off filters
3. Check functionality with sub-systems (if available)
Activate video in DoQ-window
Control of PTZ cameras
Connection with videowall (switch on camera / change layout)
Access control
Test commands (open once, open continuously, block)
Receiving events (forced, open too long, etc.)
Enable PIR
Receive alarm
Start/stop incoming call via SMS
Phase 4 - Update other SMS clients
A condition for starting phase 4 is that phase 3 has been successfully completed.
Update other FlinQ SMS client(s)