*iProtect™ - Sallis

*iProtect™ - Sallis

Installation Manual | IM-20230717-AVW-01

iProtect Access / Security | iProtect™ - Sallis


This manual represents the knowledge at the above-mentioned time. TKH security works non-stop to improve her products. For the most recent technical information please contact your consultant or dealer.


1. SALLIS and iProtect Aurora

iProtect ™ Aurora version (7.05.05 or higher) supports SALLIS (Salto Lock LInk system) through a connection between a Polyx device and an RS485 Salto router.

Orbits or iProtect card readers cannot communicate in combination with the SALLIS-Polyx

iProtect™ Aurora version (10.01.xx or higher) can control SALLIS (Salto Lock LInk System), by means of a connection between a Pluto/ Orion device and a RS485 or/and POE Salto router.

1.1 Firmware and sofware versions

The specified firmware versions are needed to let the system work properly!

Firmware type

Firmware version


Firmware type

Firmware version


Polyx - Reader manager

version 4.02.43 or higher


Polyx - Readermanager version

Pluto - Reader manager version

version 03.05.07 or higher

Pluto Readermanager version

Hardware control applet

kpControl v1.16k or higher

Polyx reader config software

Sallis config tool

Config tool version:

Sallis Config tool software

Sallis RS485 Router firmware


Sallis RS485 FW

Sallis POE Router firmware


Sallis POE Router FW

Sallis Node firmware


Sallis Node FW

Sallis lock RF module


Sallis Lock FW

Sallis lock Mifare Reader


Sallis Lock FW

Sallis lock control


Sallis Lock FW

Sallis lock RF module


Sallis Cilinder FW

Sallis Mifare control GEO


Sallis Cilinder FW

Sallis PPD


Sallis PPD FW

2. System design and installation

Design and install the SALLIS system as stipulated in the SALLIS manual. Please keep the following in mind that:

  • The locks should be at a maximum distance of 10 meters from a Node.

  • Analyse the radio frequency signal strength between locks and nodes in the
    facility with a Salto RF tester.

  • Check the 2.4ghz channels you want to use with the Wi-Fi network used in the
    facility, discuss this with the local IT department if necessary.

2.1 Using a Polyx controller

When using a Polyx controller, keep in mind that:

  • Connect at most 3 nodes on each BUS to a router without using an external
    power supply. When using more then 3, use an extra power supply! Be sure the
    ground of all involved power supplies are linked to each other.

  • You can connect at most 2 routers per Polyx (one per RS422 port)

  • Connect at most 16 Sallis nodes and locks per polyx (external power supply is

  • Connect the wires as specified in the table below.

TIA/EIA-568-B cable colour

Connect to pin of the router

TIA/EIA-568-B cable colour

Connect to pin of the router










Not in use




Not in use

Brown Ground


2.2 Using a Pluto/ Orion controller

When using a Pluto/ Orion controller, keep in mind that:

  • You can connect at most 4 Sallis RS485 routers per Pluto (4 Orions are needed, 1 Sallis RS485 router per RS485 connection)

  • You can connect up to 16 Sallis nodes per RS485 router.

  • You can connect to 7 (1 internal) Sallis nodes per POE router.

  • There is no direct limitation to the amount of POE routers on a Pluto.

  • A total maximum of 32 readers (locks) can be used per Pluto controller, maximum 16 locks per Sallis Router.

  • The Power supply used for the Pluto can also be used to power the Sallis router, that way no extra cable to the Sallis router is needed.

TIA/EIA-568-B cable color

Connect to pin of the router

Connect to pin of the Pluto/Orion

TIA/EIA-568-B cable color

Connect to pin of the router

Connect to pin of the Pluto/Orion












V+ (12 or 24 VDC)



V+ (12 or 24 VDC)










3. Configuration

3.1 Configuration SALLIS

  • Configure the SALLIS system using the Sallis software (see Sallis manual).

  • Hardware type Polyx does require a reader and card protocol configuration, also called “reader applet”. When using a Pluto this is not required (see chapter 3.3).

3.2 Card setup in Sallis software

For the default TKH card setups, template configurations are available. Use the “new file with same cards” option in the Sallis software to copy the configuration: Template for Pluto with “TKH Mifare and/or DESFire cards”

  • “TKH_security_Pluto_Mifare_DESFire_template.sef” Template for Polyx with TKH Mifare cards:

  • “TKH_security_Polyx_Mifare_template.sef” Template for Polyx with TKH DESFire cards:

  • “TKH_security_Polyx_DESFire_template.sef”

The created and stored files may NOT be COPIED and be used in other installations. Use the “new file with same cards” option instead.

3.2.1 Chip serie number (CSN)

When the UID card number is used, no special card setup is needed.

  • When the host hardware is Polyx, use configuration:

    • Protocol “Sallis”; Card protocol “PCSAL-002_Serialnumber_10Digits”

    • Protocol “Sallis”; Card protocol “PCSAL-003 Serialnumber_17Digits”

3.2.2 Mifare Classic TKH standard

Use the correct template file, described in chapter 3.2

  • When the host hardware is Polyx, use configuration:

    • Protocol “Sallis”; Card protocol “PCSAL-001_MifareSEC_KP_8Digits”

3.2.3 MifareDESFire TKH security standard

Use the correct template file, described in chapter 3.2

  • When the host hardware is Polyx, use configuration:

    • Protocol “Sallis”; Card protocol “PCSAL-004 MifareDesfire_KP_12Digits”

3.3 Configuring the Polyx network device

First configure each Polyx:

  • Connect the Polyx with a PC or laptop (Ethernet TCP/IP)

  • Configure the Polyx with the applet (see manual “Applet”). Choose as “protocol” “Sallis” and select a “card protocol”. Click on “Save”.

  • Upload the saved file to the Polyx by using the postbox. (<http://<IP> address Polyx> ). Also in later iProtect versions the file can be uploaded by a right mouse klick on the line and choosing the “upload firmware” option.

3.4 Configuring iProtect

Browse to the iProtect server

3.4.1 Configuring card presentation and interpretation

We assume that there is already a card data interpretation programmed for the wired readers.

  • When a Polyx is used no special card data interpretation is needed, use the interpretation(s) that are already programmed for the wired card readers.

  • When a Pluto with DESFire cards is used no special card data interpretation is needed, use the interpretation(s) that are already programmed for the wired card readers.

  • When TKH Mifare cards are used:

    • Click in iProtect™ Aurora on the menu item Access | Settings | Card coding | Card number presentation.

    • Right-click in the browse window on the existing TKH Mifare card number presentation and select ‘Add card data interpretation’. The detail window opens.

      • Name: Specify a logical name

      • Default card data interpretation: “Sallis Mifare TKH”, click “set”

      • At tab System code, code: card system code (in hexadecimal)

      • At tab Card number, offset: card offset

    • Save the data.

  • When 4 byte UID cards are used:

    • Click in iProtect™ Aurora on the menu item Access | Settings | Card coding | Card number presentation.

    • Right-click in the browse window on the existing 4 byte UID card number presentation and select ‘Add card data interpretation’. The detail window opens.

      • Name: Specify a logical name

      • Default card data interpretation: “Sallis 7 byte serial”, click “set”

      • At tab Card number, start: 5

      • At tab Card number, Length: 10

    • Save the data.

  • When 7 byte UID cards are used:

    • Click in iProtect™ Aurora on the menu item Access | Settings | Card coding | Card number presentation.

    • Right-click in the browse window on the existing 7 byte UID card number presentation and select ‘Add card data interpretation’. The detail window opens.

      • Name: Specify a logical name

      • Default card data interpretation: “Sallis 7 byte serial”, click “set”

    • Save the data.

3.4.2 Configuring line

  • When host hardware is Polyx:

    • Click in iProtect™ Aurora on the menu item Installation | Hardware | Line.

    • Right-click in the browse window and select ‘Add line’. The detail window opens.

    • Enter the following data:

      • Name: Specify a logical name

      • Type: ‘Network device’

      • Host type: Polyx

      • Active: (check)

      • Active (with nodes): (check)

      • IP-address: the IP-address of the Polyx

    • Save the data.

  • When host hardware is Pluto:

    • Click in iProtect™ Aurora on the menu item Installation | Hardware | Line.

    • Right-click in the browse window and select ‘Add line’. The detail window opens.

    • Enter the following data:

      • Name: Specify a logical name

      • Type: ‘Network device’

      • Host type: Pluto

      • Active: (check)

      • Active (with nodes): (check)

      • IP-address: the IP-address of the Pluto

    • Save the data.

    • Wait for the Pluto to get connection with iProtect, after that click the “Discover” button
      in the line detail dialogue.

3.4.3 Configuring the node

  • When host hardware is Polyx:

    • Click in iProtect Aurora on the menu item Installation | Hardware | Line.

    • Right-click on the Polyx line created in chapter 3.4.2 and select ‘Add node’. The detail window opens.

    • Enter the following data:

      • Name: Specify a logical name

      • Active: (check)

      • Type: Door controller

      • Communication: TCP/IP

      • Subtype: Polyx

      • IP address: the IP address of the Polyx which controls the SALLIS node

    • Save the data.


  • When host hardware is Pluto and a Sallis POE router is used:

    • Click in iProtect Aurora on the menu item Installation | Hardware | Line.

    • Right-click on the Pluto line created in chapter 3.4.2 and select ‘Add node’. The detail window opens.

    • Enter the following data:

      • Name: Specify a logical name

      • Active: (check)

      • Type: Sallis

      • IP address: the IP address of the Sallis POE router

    • Save the data.

  • When host hardware is Pluto and a Sallis RS485 router is used:

    • Click in iProtect Aurora on the menu item Installation | Hardware | Line.

    • Click on the “+” to the left of the Pluto line created in chapter 3.4.2, the list will be opened. Click on the “+” at the desired Orion and right-click “Orion #x, prt2” select ‘Add node’. The detail window opens.

    • Enter the following data:

      • Name: Specify a logical name

      • Active: (check)

      • Type: Sallis

    • Save the data.

3.4.4 Configuring the reader

  • Click in iProtect Aurora on the menu item Installation | Hardware | Line.

  • Right-click on the node created in chapter 3.4.3 browse window and select ‘Add Reader’. The detail window opens.

  • Enter the following data:

    • Name: Specify a logical name

    • Subnumber: Choose a number between 1 and 16. The subnumber has to be identical to the door ID which has been programmed in the Sallis software.

    • Card data interpretation: Choose the desired Card data interpretation.

  • Save the data.

  • Add one or more reader groups to the Reader.

4 Function of calamity cards

In case a Sallis lock loses connection to the host it will continue to work using its local stored calamity cards. This chapter describes this function.

4.1 When host hardware is Polyx

A Polyx cannot actively control the content of the calamity cards in the Sallis lock. In this case the list is controlled by the lock itself, based on the “offline behavior” settings in the Sallis software. When connection is restored historical transactions will uploaded to iProtect from the Sallis lock.

4.2 When host hardware is Pluto

A Pluto can actively control the content calamity cards on the lock up to 20 access cards. This
is based on 2 settings:

  • The access card setting “Local card storage (system offline)” must be set to “Reserved priority to make it to the calamity list”.

  • The access card must have active access rights to the lock.

When connection is restored historical transactions will uploaded to iProtect from the Sallis lock.

5 Monitoring and alarms

5.1 When host hardware is Polyx

A Polyx can monitor a Sallis lock based on 2 details.

  • Connection: When a Sallis lock is connected/ disconnected a transaction will be created in iProtect.

  • Battery level: The battery level based on an analogue input (Lock Sensor), when the battery state changes there is a according transaction in iProtect based on the status of the analogue input, the following battery statuses are available:
    o Battery status: low
    o Battery: Replace
    o Battery: good
    o Battery: very good

5.2 When host hardware is Pluto

A Pluto can monitor a Sallis node based on 2 details, a Sallis lock based on 3 details

  • Sallis node:

    • Connection: When a Sallis node is connected/ disconnected a transaction will be created in iProtect.

    • Tamper: When the tamper switch of the Sallis POE router is activated/ deactivated a “node tamper” transaction will be generated in iProtect

  • Sallis lock:

    • Connection: When a Sallis lock is connected/ disconnected a transaction will be created
      in iProtect.

    • Battery level: The battery level based on an analogue input (Lock Sensor), when the battery state changes there is a according transaction in iProtect based on the status of the analogue input, the following battery statuses are available:

      • Battery status: alarm

      • Battery: replace battery

      • Battery: medium

      • Battery: full

    • Door state: iProtect monitors the door state of the Sallis lock (when connected). When the door status changes a transaction will be generated and the door state will change accordingly. The following door status are available:

      • Door closed

      • Door open

      • Door open too long

      • Door unexpected open

6 Replacing Polyx for Pluto/ Orion

To replace a Polyx for a Pluto iprotect version 10.01.xx is minimal required.


A Pluto with one Orion can replace a Polyx with one Sallis router connected, when replacing a Polyx with two Sallis routers a Pluto with two Orions is needed.


When replacing a Polyx for a Pluto there are some things that need to be prepared and to take recon with. This chapter describes this.


Because it is not possible to swap out a Polyx for a Pluto/ Orion “one on one” the new Pluto/Orion must be setup next to the existing Polyx.

6.1 Setup the card data interpretations

Before a Polyx is replaced the card data interpretations need to be implemented, see chapter 3.4.1 of this manual. When the card data interpretations are already implemented this step can be skipped

6.2 Check the iProtect license

Because the Pluto replacement first need to be setup next to the “old” Polyx, extra iProtect reader licenses maybe needed. This needs to be checked in menu: Installation | Database | License, search for license number 22 (max readers) before proceeding. If the amount of reader licenses is not enough extra reader licenses must be implemented.

6.3 Create new Sallis .sef files

When using TKH default coded Mifare ore Desfire cards this step is required. When using serial number access card technology (4 or 7 byte UID) this is not needed.


The Sallis configuration is different for the Polyx and Pluto, therefore new .sef configuration files must be created. Use template “TKH_security_Pluto_Mifare_DESFire_template.sef”

6.4 Implement the Pluto and replace the Polyx

  • Implement the Pluto in iProtect “next” to the Polyx and configure the same locks on the same sub numbers.

  • Replace the Polyx by the Pluto. Note: The Sallis router cannot be connected to the Orion by the RJ45 jacks. The RS485 wires need to be connected to the RS485 screw connections, the power needs to be connected to the “housing” power supply (see chapter 2.2).

  • Activate the Pluto in iProtect and make sure all like card data interpretation settings are correct. Check if there is communication with the Sallis Router(s).

  • When needed Program the Router and locks with the new .sef configuration

  • As last step the Sallis system must be checked on correct function.

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