*Plugin – Failover (outdated)

Configuration Article | CA-20201130-TP-15

VDG Sense | Setup | Plugins | Failover


The Failover  plugin is responsible for the failover functions and Sense settings backup and restore. The plugin is always enabled on all Sense servers and cannot be disabled. Except for the Failover server itself there are no configuration options available.

For more information on how to configure Failover refer to the Failover section in the Tutorials menu, read more.

The image below shows the Failover plugin on the management server or sub servers:


Mmore settings are available in the Failover plugin when logging in on the Failover server directly. See below for more explanation:

Backup section:

  • Directory
    This is the directory to backup settings. By default this is C:/Backup, but can be changed if an alternative location should be used.

  • Storepath
    This the root storepath for the video data when the failover server takes over a monitored server. By default this is D:/, but can be changed if an alternative location should be used.

  • DailyBackup
    Enable or disable the daily backup of settings from monitored servers. Note: this value should not be changed here. Change settings in the Setup->Failover tab, read more.

  • BackupTime
    Time when a settings backup should be made. Note: this value should not be changed here. Change settings in the Setup->Failover tab, read more.

  • TakeoverFailingServer
    Take over monitored server if one of the error conditions is met. Note: this value should not be changed here. Change settings in the Setup->Failover tab, read more.

  • RestoreFailingServer
    Restore original configuration and standby Failover server. Note: this value should not be changed here. Change settings in the Setup->Failover tab, read more.

  • MonitoredServers
    List of monitored servers. Note: this value should not be changed here. Change settings in the Setup->Failover tab, read more.

  • ServerCommunicationAddress
    The local IP address of the Failove server which is used in the server network (if the network is devided in separate server and client part)

  • ClientCommunicationAddress
    The local IP address of the Failove server which is used in the viewer network (if the network is devided in separate server and client part)


Login section:

  • ServerAddress
    Server address to connect to. Should be and should not be changed.

  • Username
    The username which is used to login on the server. Should be ‘Administrator’ and should not be changed

  • Password
    The password which is used to login on the server. Should be changed to match the administrator password if this has been changed in Sense User Management.


Advanced section:

  • keepalive
    Time to wait for keepalive message. Note: this value should not be changed here. Change settings in the Setup->Failover tab, read more.

  • normalShutdown
    Time to wait to takeover server after a normal shutdown. Note: this value should not be changed here. Change settings in the Setup->Failover tab, read more.

  • abnormalShutdown
    Time to wait to takeover server after a abnormal shutdown. Note: this value should not be changed here. Change settings in the Setup->Failover tab, read more.

  • connected
    Time to wait to takeover server after the failover server made a connection to the monitored server. Note: this value should not be changed here. Change settings in the Setup->Failover tab, read more.

  • started
    Time to wait to takeover server after the monitored server has started. Note: this value should not be changed here. Change settings in the Setup->Failover tab, read more.