*Plugin – Sense Client Watchdog

*Plugin – Sense Client Watchdog

Configuration Article | CA-20220411-MF-01

VDG Sense | Setup | Plugins | Sense Client Watchdog

The Sense Client Watchdog can be used to monitor the connection status of DIVA or Sense clients and send an API event during a “Connection lost” and “Connection Restored” of a client. These events can be found in the API command streamEvents. The plugin can also be used to remotely login or logout clients via API calls.


  1. Enable the ClientWatchdog plugin

2. Open divasystems.xml, located in the Sense Plugin Manager settings folder, and add clients which should be monitored. (In case of redundant server setup, make sure this file is copied to the redundant management server as well)

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <divalist> <diva> <divaid>[uid]</divaid> <description>[string]</description> <address>[ipaddress]</address> <type>[string]</type> </diva> <diva> <divaid>[uid]</divaid> <description>[string]</description> <address>[ipaddress]</address> <type>[string]</type> </diva> </divalist>

3. Save the file and restart the Sense Plugin Manager.

4. Execute the streamEvents command in your internet browser to see if the ClientConnectionLost and ClientConnectionRestored events are sent by the Sense server.


API commands

To enable the login and logout commands the IP adress of the managementserver should be configured in the plugin settings. This is the default IP-address where the client should login to when the ExecuteLogin API command is sent.

Login[client name as in description field]

Sends a login command a to the client. The login address has to be set in the plugin settings as stated above. The client uses the credentials which are defined in the client login settings, see image below:



Sends a logout command to the client


Request the configured client list. Will return only the configured clients configured in divasystems.xml

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