*Result Lists

*Result Lists

Configuration Article | CA-20220907-TP-88

VDG Sense | API | References

Some commands like getEvents and getImageSequence are used to obtain a list with recorded data from the server. This list can be limited by supplying a starttime, an endtime and a limit argument in the http command url.

A maximum of 25 events will be returned by default. This value can be changed by the limit parameter. A positive limit will return the first found records. A negative limit will return the last found records.

If the endtime lies before the starttime, the resulting list will run from starttime back to endtime. This is exactly the same result as when the command was sent with the start and end time reversed and the limit negative.

If the endtime lies before the starttime and a negative limit is supplied, the result is the same as if the endtime lies past the starttime and the limit is positive.

The results are always sorted in ascending time. Because of the internal working of the server, it could happen that the order of eventid’s differs from the order of eventtime’s. For example, the ordered by eventtime result list could have an eventid sequence of 1, 2, 3, 5, 4, 6.



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