*Cosmos Config Mobile Access

*Cosmos Config Mobile Access

Installation Article | IA-20220822-DR-01

Access Control | Mobile Access | Cosmos Config | User Documentation |

The Cosmos Config application will be used by the installers of the Access Control System in order to assign a factory default iX30 card reader to the system.

Once the Cosmos Config application is installed, the installer can be invited by one or multiple organizations. Per registered organization a virtual access card will be added into the Cosmos Config application.


Download and install the Cosmos Config application:


Required versions:

  • Android version 7

  • API version 24+



Minimum required versions:

  • iOS version: 13


After successful installation, the mobile application can be launched and the installer can choose the market segment he would like to work at. In case of Mobile Access, the Security solution is the market segment which should be selected.

Just like Mobile Access, the Cosmos Config app needs to be registered to a organization in order to use it. A Cosmos Config app can handle multiple organizations simultaneously.


Via the Access Control System an invitation can be send to invite a user receive a virtual access card. The invitation will be send to an Email address.

By pressing Register, the Cosmos Config application should open and proceed the registration process.

When the Registration button doesn’t work, which can be caused by:

  • Email-policy

  • invitation mail is at your desktop instead at your mobile device

Then there are two other possibilities to continue. Please go to the My Organization page and press at the Green “+” button.


Scan QR Code: This will open a QR code reader which you can use to scan the QR code from the invitation email. The registration will complete automatically

Invitation code: The code at the bottom of the invitation email can be copied. You can paste this registration code here. The Cosmos Access app will recognize this invitation code and will notify the user.

Once the registration was successful, the organization will be added into the “my organization” list.


Using the application

To use the organization, first you’ll need to select in which organization you’re going to work at.

After selecting the organization, three different actions are displayed:

  • Edit

    • to edit the signal strenght of the card reader

  • Assign

    • to couple a reader to a TA

  • Unassign

    • to uncouple a reader to a TA


Edit Device is always available. Without a explicit tast, a installer is always able to adjust the signal strenght of a reader.

Assign & Unassign are both task driven. Only if something should be done (initiated via the Access control system) a red balloon will be displayed with the amount of tasks left.


By pressing edit, the config app will search for readers nearby and shows them in a list.

By clicking on the reader, a detail page will load. This can take a couple of seconds. The current signal strength is shown, and if there is a doubt with which reader the connection is established, the speaker icon can be pressed.


The default Reader signal strength is -16 dBm. Which is the office mode.

0 dBm is the max. power the Sirius send. -20 dBm is the least power the Sirius can send.


By pressing Assign, the config app will show readers which need to be configured (task is initiated by the access control system).

You can select the reader you would like to assign. You can also use the search functionality there is a big list presented

The app will now search for readers which are in factory default modus and are ready to assign. readers found wil be listed based on signal strenght and their serial number is showed.

By pressing at the reader, communication will be established. The reader will notify itself by blinking the LED and beeping the buzzer. This can be repeated by pressing the identify button. You can only assign a reader when the mobile device is in range. If not, the slidebar will be grayed out.

By sliding the confirmation, the reader will be assigned. Afterwards it’s possible to direct edit the signal strenght or to move on to the next reader.


By pressing unassign, the config app will show the readers which need to be configured (task is initiated by the access control system

by pressing on the reader in the unassign list, the Cosmos Config app will search for this specific reader. Because it’s earlier configured, the Cosmos Config app knows exactly which reader it should be. If the reader is found, the buttons will become functional.

After sliding the confirmation button, the unassign proces will be executed.