OSDP - Survision LPR-camera

OSDP - Survision LPR-camera

This manual represents the knowledge at the above-mentioned time. TKH security works non-stop to improve her products. For the most recent technical information please contact your consultant or dealer.

1. Introduction

The Survision LPR-camera is an advanced, standalone license plate recognition (LPR) camera designed to deliver high performance with minimal setup. Built for ease and efficiency, the Survision camera’s offers trigger-free operation, capturing high-speed vehicle plates up to 155 mph (250 km/h) with exceptional accuracy and speed. Its compact design integrates all necessary LPR functions within the camera itself, eliminating the need for an external server.

Key features include adjustable recognition distances from 5 to 49 feet and real-time monitoring for enhanced security. The device supports both European and American plate formats and provides instant data output on plate position, traffic direction, and more.

The Survision camera’s are equipped with infrared or white-light LEDs for optimal visibility, and it’s housed in a durable, weather-resistant aluminum body. Built with embedded AI, it offers flexible data outputs, multiple connection options, and can be easily integrated into iProtect.

The camera can be connected to the network, but has no function to be used as an overview camera. The image of the camera will also not be able to be made visible in IPROTECT Access.




2. Support and license

Below is an overview of support for both the hardware and the software, including the necessary license:



License number

Minimum version



License number

Minimum version




>= 10.4.14

Pluto rootFS


>= 6.12.x

Orion (USB)


>= 1.5.34

OSDP LPR-camera

IPS-ON - online card reader license (44)


2.1 Supported cards (License plates)

  • European and American license plates.

It is recommended to update the firmware once a year.... or when you read in the release notes that an enhancement is of interest to you.

3. What is OSDP

Open Supervised Device Protocol (OSDP) is an access control communications standard developed by the Security Industry Association (SIA) to improve interoperability among access control and security products.

OSDP was approved as an international standard by the International Electrotechnical Commission in May 2020 and has been published as IEC 60839-11-5.

OSDP V2.2 which is based on the IEC 60839-11-5 standard, was released in December 2020.

Security Industry Association

OSDP readers are only supported by stacked Orions (RS485 connection)

4. Setup LPR-camera

4.1 Setup wizard of LPR unit

  1. Setup a local netwerk and configure the network properly.

  2. Start a Webbrowser and enter the IP-address of the camera

  3. Follow the instructions of the QUICK START GUIDE of the camera.

4.2 VSSsetup tool


    1. Launch the program « VSS7setup-7.X-BuildY.exe » provided by Survision.

    2. Choose « English » as installation language and click on « OK ».image-20241106-113435.png

    3. Click on « Next ».

    4. Read the license agreement, click on « I understand and accept …» and click on « Next ».

    5. If needed, change the installation path and click on « Next ».

    6. If needed, modify the path for the shortcuts on Windows « Start » menu and click on « Next ».

    7. Select whether you want to create a shortcut on Windows Desktop and click on « Next ».

    8. Verify the installation options summary and click on « Install ».

    9. Wait for the installation to end.

    10. Click on « Finish »


  1. Start VSS by clicking on any of the shortcuts that the installation has created or just run the application on [path]\Survision\VSS7\VSS7.exe.
    The image below shows the Main View (before connecting to any specific unit).

  1. Enter the correct IP addres and press on the button Connect.

  2. Lock the camera to be able to change settings:

  1. Open in the main menu View and Settings Window, the following windows will be opened:

  1. Select Settings

  2. Edit Camera | ANPR | Serial output



  1. Change the Mode to OSDP and set an unique Address and press OK.

  1. Close this window

  2. Lock the camera and close this window.

5. Hardware Installation

5.1 Positioning of the LPR camera

The successful positioning of the LPR unit relies on several key factors. To ensure a proper installation, please adhere to the following essential steps and guidelines.

Understanding the importance of the LPR camera's position is crucial, as it must be carefully evaluated alongside the LPR settings. The angle, height, and distance from the target area can greatly affect the camera's ability to accurately capture license plate information.

For example, if the camera is mounted too high or at an inappropriate angle, it may struggle to read plates, particularly those that are angled or obscured. Additionally, the LPR system settings—such as exposure, focus, and frame rate—should be fine-tuned to correspond with the camera's specific positioning to guarantee optimal performance.

5.2 Connecting the LPR camera to the Orion

The LPR camera connects directly to the Orion Kp bus connector via a fixed cable, with a maximum distance of 15 meters between the camera and the Orion unit. Additionally, the camera operates using an external 24V power supply.

Cable color


ABC connector Orion

KpBus (RS485)

Cable color


ABC connector Orion

KpBus (RS485)


+ 24V






RS485 A



RS485 B






6. iProtect Implementation

6.1 General

OSDP readers are completely handled by the nodemanager, so the nodemanager should run to obtain access by a OSDP card reader.

6.2 Card encoding

To enable license plate recognition, follow these clear steps to create a card configuration within iProtect:

  1. Navigate to Card Configuration:

    • Go to Access > Settings > Card Configuration.

    • Initiate the wizard by right-clicking on the tree view.

  2. Start the Wizard:

    • Click on the button labeled “Wizard card number presentation.”

  3. Configure Presentation:

    • A new pop-up will appear.

    • Enter a logical name for the new presentation, such as “LPR presentation.”

    • Choose for the option: “Number plate no country code”

    • Click the Save button.

6.3 Configure the Reader in iProtect

To configure an OSDP reader, please follow the steps outlined below:

  1. Connect the LPR camera to the Orion (refer to chapter 5.2 Connecting the LPR Camera to the Orion).

  2. Press the discover button in the line dialog of the Pluto.

  1. Wait for the discovery process to complete: Read-in event => Read-in event: Stop, Line: xxx…

  2. Refresh the line dialog of the Pluto. If an OSDP device is detected, it will appear as a Node below the Prt2 port of the Orion.

  3. Change the OSDP compatibility setting at the OSDP node to “Ascii data as raw data.”

  4. Right-click on the OSDP node in the tree view and select “Add Reader.”

    • Enter a unique logical name for the reader.

    • Choose the appropriate card data interpretation in the General tab.

    • Select the output in the Door Control section on the Input/Output tab.

    • Choose the loop input in the Loop selection on the Input/Output tab.

    • (optional) set the read card before loop activation at the door behavior tab.

    • Click the Save button.

7. License Plate Configuration in iProtect

A license plate operates much like a standard card within the iProtect system. To enable this feature, you need to connect the LPR (License Plate Recognition) reader to a reader group, which is then linked to an access profile.

Access is granted to a vehicle when its license plate is associated with a valid access profile that corresponds to the LPR reader.

For comprehensive instructions on configuring an access profile in iProtect, please refer to this document: *Access rights in iProtect™.

For guidance on how to assign a card (License Plate) to a person record, you can follow this document: *Assign cards to people.


8. Additional information and manuals

8.1 Micropak5








8.2 Nanopak5









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