*Silent Installer

Software Installation Article | SIA-20201118-WG-01

VDG Sense | Software Installation

This article contains a description on how to use the installer silently/unattended on the command line and which parameters are available for the command line.

Silent/unattended install

To perform a silent/unattended install we have to use the installer by command line and provide certain parameters to change installation paths or disable the installation of certain Sense components if desired. Below you can find more information on how to do so.

Command line

The silent/unattended install can be achieved by calling the Sense installer from the command line with the /S parameter. Simply open the command prompt and navigate to the directory where the installer is located. Then execute the following command: VDG-Sense-Setup.exe /S. The installer will now perform a silent/unattended installation of Sense using default settings. The default settings will install all Sense components and use C:Program FilesTKH SecuritySense as installation directory (depends on Program Files location configured on the target system), use D:\Sense as storage directory and use D:\SenseClips as clips directory. This assumes it is a clean install. In case of an update the installer will use the paths used by the previous installation as default and install all Sense components by default.


During a silent/unattended install we do not have interaction with installer pages to provide user input. Instead we can use parameters. For now we have the following parameters at our disposal:

  • /installpath=”C:\Program Files\VDG Security\Sense”

    • This paramater indicates the Sense program files installation directory.

  • /storagepath=D:/Store

    • This parameter indicates the video files store location.

  • /clipspath=D:/Clips

    • This parameter indicates the sense clips store location that Sense uses when exporting MP4 video files requested by Web browser users.

  • /installclient=no:

    • This indicates that the Sense client will not be installed. If omitted, by default, the script will install the Sense client.

  • /installserver=no:

    • This indicates that Sense server environment (SenseVideoManager, PostgreSQL database, Miscellaneous, and disabling Windows Search service) will NOT be installed. If this parameter is omitted, the Sense server environtment will be installed by default.

Additionally required parameters for VDG Sense 2.6:

  • /databasepath=D:\Database
    Additional parameter required for 2.6 and 2.7 where the database should be installed

  • /databaseport = “5432”

  • /postgresusername =”postgres”

  • /postgrespassword =”UserDefinedAdminDBPW”

Additionally required parameters for VDG Sense 2.7:

  • /databaseusername="senseuser"

  • /databasepassword="UserDefinedSenseuserDBPW"




If the “/installclient” or “/installserver” parameters are not specify within the command line, then it will be assume “yes” and “Client” and/or “Server” will be installed.

At all time, the Sense Base Files (all binaries, read executables and DLLs), SensePluginManager and SenseOpenAPI will be installed, no matter the parameters indicated in the command line.

An example for silently/unattended installing Sense Server with Client and with custom paths by command line will look like this:

Silent install command 2.5:

Client only :

"VDG-Sense-Setup-2.5.21.exe" /S /installpath="C:\Program Files\VDG Security\Sense" /installserver=no


"VDG-Sense-Setup-2.5.21.exe" /S /installpath="C:\Program Files\VDG Security\Sense" /storagepath="C:\Store" /clipspath="C:\Clips"

Silent install command 2.6.22 and higher:

"VDG Sense Setup 2.6.22.exe" /S /installpath=”C:\Program Files\VDG Security\Sense” /storagepath="D:\Store" /clipspath="C:\Sense\Clips" /databasepath="D:\Database" /databaseport="5432" /postgresusername="postgres" /postgrespassword="!1Postgrespassword"


Silent install command 2.7.2 and higher:



Note: The order of parameters is not relevant and the parameter names are not case sensitive. It is not required to use quotation marks around the whole parameter, including the parameter name. However when the parameter value contains white spaces you should still use quotation marks around the parameter value (see example above). If a parameter contains an invalid value, a report log will be created next to the installer (InstallLog.txt). The log will not be created if there are no invalid parameter values.

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