*How to change HTTP-API port in VDG Sense

Software Installation Article | SIA-20220117-MH-01

VDG Sense | Software Installation|

In some situations it is required to change the HTTP port which is used by Sense HTTP API for webpage, IOS/Android client and third party connectivity. By default this is accessably via port 80.

Port needs to be changed in two places, the HTTP plugin in the PLugins tab of the management server and the Nginx (engine-x) config.


Change ‘Port’ setting in the ‘General’ settings of HTTP plugin (ex: change to port 8088) and save:


Open following file: C:\Program Files\VDG Security\Sense\Software\nginx\conf\proxies\localhost-ssl.conf

And change the following 5 values from ‘80’ to the chosen port value (ex. change to port 8088) and save.

location / { proxy_pass; ... } location /info { proxy_pass; ... } location /webservice { proxy_pass; ... } location /command { proxy_pass; ... } location /plugins { proxy_pass; ... }


After changing values in both HTTP plugin and ngnix the services SensePluginManager and SenseNgnix need to be restarted. Also close and start SenseClient in order to see the pluginlist in the Plugins tab.

Sense Webpage

After configuration is finished webpage is accessed via port 8088


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