*VDG Sense Installation Instructions – 2.5

Software Installation Article | SIA-20200930-TP-04

VDG Sense | Software Installation

All TKH Security software products are protected by a software license key. In order to run this product you will need to obtain a software license file before installing the Sense software. This software package will not install on a DIVA 1.x.x system, please uninstall DIVA 1.x.x before continuing the Sense 2.4.x installation. It will also not install if the SLA does not allow an upgrade.

Installation procedure

This screen shows the license agreement.

Please review the license terms carefully before installing VDG Sense. You must accept the agreement before being able to install VDG Sense.

This screen shows the version information of the installed and included (sub)components.

  • Sense Video Manager info

  • Sense Client info

  • Sense Manager info

  • Sense Monitor

  • Sense Player

  • Postgres database version info

If components are not yet installed, the label ’uninstalled’ is shown. Press ’Next’ to continue installation. 

Choose components which need to be installed. Selecting the ’Server’ option automatically selects components which are required for a server installation.

Choose Sense installation folder on this page.

Choose storage location for videodata and database on this page, as well as the default folder for Clips.
This only concerns clips that are created through an API call. Clips created in the VDG Sense client can be saved in any location.

Note: If the clip folder is located on the same drive as the storage folder, it will affect retention time of the storage as some additional space is saved for clips export. A warning will show if this if the case.

Progress of Sense installation

Progress of Postgres Database installation. This installation will only be executed if the ’Server’ option is chosen in the Install Options page.

Choose to reboot the pc after installation. This is required if Sense is installed the first time.

After installation

After Sense is installed 2 icons will appear on the desktop:

  • Sense Client, shortcut to start the Sense Client software

  • Sense SystemInfo, small program to create zip file of diva settings, logs, system information and system logs.

These shorcuts together with several other (like Diva Uninstall) are also created in the Windows Startmenu.

Updating Sense software
To update the Sense software follow the same steps as in the installation procedure. Make sure Sense is not running before starting SenseSetup. Sense settings will not be removed. The software can only be updated if current Software License agreement (SLA) allows it. An error dialog will appear if SLA is violated. For more information, or information for upgrading a minor version (i.e. VDG Sense 2.4 to VDG Sense 2.5 ) visit the Upgrading Instructions article.