*VDG Sense Uninstall Instructions

Software Installation Article | SIA-20210930-TP-05

VDG Sense | Software Installation

To deinstall the Sense software go to Window Startmenu-Programs-VDG Sense and choose ’Uninstall Sense’.

Uninstall procedure

Choose components which need to be uninstalled.

Progress of VDG Sense uninstallation.

Uninstallation of VDG Sense completed.

Uninstall Postgres database

Confirmation to uninstall Postgres database, press yes to uninstall the database.IMPORTANT: It also removes the database contents.

Progress of Postgres uninstallation.

Dialog after uninstallation of Postgres.IMPORTANT: Database content is removed regardless of dialog message!

Uninstall NTP Timeserver

Confirmation of NTP uninstallation, follow procedure.

Progress of NTP uninstallation.


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