*Devices - GeoMap

*Devices - GeoMap

Configuration Article | CA-20220720-CS-01

VDG Sense | Setup | Devices | GeoMap


The GeoMap functionality enables operators to show the actual GPS location of a camera. It uses an online map tool to display the position of the camera. The camera connection status (online or offline) is shown using the camera icon color; it is green by default and red if camera is disconnected. Each camera position can be configured individually by defining the GPS coordinates.

The GeoMap uses a new GeoMap panel which can be configured in any layout. The GeoMap requires an internet connection on either the setup or operator SenseClient. There is no offline mode. Sense Server does not require an internet connection.


Configuraring the GPS coordinates is done in the Devices->GeoMap tab. By selecting the camera in the camera selection list it will show the current position of the camera. It will only show the position of the selected camera. See below.

Navigation within the GeoMap is done by using scroll wheel to zoom in and out and by holding left mouse button and move the cursor around. The position of the camera icon itself can be changed by left double-clicking anywhere in the map. The camera icon will move to that position.

The camera position and configuration is shown and done on the right side of the screen. See below:

  • Latitude
    Latitude part of the GPS coordinate. Can be modified manually

  • Longitude
    Longitude part of the GPS coordinate. Can be modified manually

  • Clear
    Clear the GPS coordinates

  • Center
    Center the camera icon in the middle of the current map view

  • Icon Type
    Choose either a camera or a dome icon

  • Orientation
    Icon orientation in degrees (0-360)


The panel type associated to the GeoMap is called ‘GeoMap’ and available in the list of panel types in the layout manager. In the example below a Target panel is used to the live feed from a camera when doing a double-click action in the GeoMap.


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